John Abdallah (now Bishop JOHN) and I were discussing the subject and he pointed out to me that my aversion to this icon was beyond the realm of normal. It drove my ex nuts when at church that I would constantly point out the icons and mention that Christ himself forbid them. There is a Church on the southside of Pittsburgh that my ex and I used to attend which has close to a dozen versions of this icon in it. Hyperactivity refers to excessive movement such as fidgeting, excessive energy, not sitting still, and being talkative. I learned very early on in the study of iconography that Icons of God the Father are forbidden because in the words of Christ “No one has seen the Father but me, and he who has seen me has seen the Father.” Once I got it in my mind that icons of God the Father are forbidden, my mind became a magnet for looking for them in churches. However, even within iconography I tend to have mini hyper focuses. Most of my friends know that up until about 3 years ago iconography was almost all that I talked or thought about. When it comes to photography and art, I tend to get hyper focused quite a bit. I remember sitting there thinking “wow, they get it” while listening to the CD, the thought being in relation to the pain of the divorce. It was during this time that I went from being a causal fan of Pink Floyd to being all about their music. I had disc two of Pink Floyd’s live CD The Delicate Sound of Thunder on repeat in my car for about 6 months.

Such was the case in 2004 during my first divorce. A hypervisor, also known as a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), is a layer of virtualization software that allows the creation and running of several virtual machines within a single server, as well as different operating systems. During these periods I would only listen to the music of the person or band. On a larger scale though, I would get hyper focused on the music of one person or band for long periods of time. It is always very random what song I get stuck on. While doing this I may listen for a few reps of the song only to the base line, or other times only the rhythm guitar. When I do this, I won’t listen to any other songs than the one that I am hyper focused on. I will listen to the same song over and over all day long. I get hyper focused on songs in both a long term and short term way, each of which has a different effect. In ADHD, zoning out can result from losing focus, getting lost in thought, and having trouble resisting in-born mental distractions. There are times when I can get hyper focused on a song.